Case Studies

Coca Cola Johnson & Johnson


Unilever is a global company that has been committed to sustainability for many years. The company has a number of ESG activities in place, including:

  • Climate action: Unilever has set a goal of halving its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and becoming a net zero emissions company by 2040. The company is investing in renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, and reducing its reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Protect and regenerate nature: Unilever is committed to protecting and regenerating nature. The company is working to reduce its deforestation footprint, restore ecosystems, and protect biodiversity.
  • Waste-free world: Unilever is committed to creating a waste-free world. The company is working to reduce its waste generation, increase recycling and reuse, and eliminate single-use plastics.
  • Positive nutrition: Unilever is committed to promoting positive nutrition. The company is working to reduce the sugar, salt, and saturated fat content of its products, and to promote healthy eating habits.
  • Health and wellbeing: Unilever is committed to improving health and wellbeing. The company is working to reduce the use of harmful chemicals in its products, and to promote handwashing and other hygiene practices.
  • Equity, diversity and inclusion: Unilever is committed to promoting equity, diversity and inclusion. The company is working to create a more inclusive workplace, and to support diversity and inclusion initiatives in the communities where it operates.

Unilever’s is a leader in the ESG space, and its commitment to sustainability is inspiring other companies to follow suit. For more details, please visit Sustainability Reporting. See also Hindustan Unilever’s ESG activities here.

Coca Cola

Coca-Cola is committed to sustainability and has implemented numerous initiatives to address environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. Here are some of the company’s key ESG initiatives:


  • Water Stewardship: Coca-Cola has set ambitious water stewardship goals, including reducing water use by 20% by 2020 and replenishing all water used in its beverages by 2030. The company has made progress towards these goals, reducing water use by 19% globally between 2010 and 2020.
  • Packaging Innovation: Coca-Cola is committed to reducing its environmental impact from packaging. The company has invested in initiatives to improve recycling rates and develop more sustainable packaging materials. For example, Coca-Cola is working to increase the use of recycled content in its packaging and to develop packaging made from renewable materials.
  • Forests Conservation: Coca-Cola is committed to responsible sourcing of its forestry products. The company has developed a Sustainable Forestry Practices Policy and is working to ensure that its suppliers adhere to these standards.


  • Labor Practices: Coca-Cola has a longstanding commitment to fair labor practices. The company has a Code of Conduct that outlines its expectations for all employees and suppliers. Coca-Cola also conducts regular audits of its supplier factories to ensure compliance with the Code of Conduct.
  • Community Engagement: Coca-Cola is involved in a number of community engagement initiatives around the world. The company supports programs that promote education, health, and economic development in local communities.
  • Women’s Empowerment: Coca-Cola is committed to empowering women in its workforce and supply chain. The company has launched a number of initiatives to promote women’s leadership and economic opportunities.


  • Transparency: Coca-Cola is committed to transparency and accountability. The company publishes annual reports on its ESG performance and is working to improve its disclosure of ESG-related information.
  • Sustainable Sourcing: Coca-Cola is committed to sourcing its ingredients from sustainable sources. The company has a Sustainable Agricultural Program that encourages farmers to adopt sustainable practices.
  • Sustainable Supply Chain: Coca-Cola is working to reduce its environmental and social impact along its supply chain. The company is working with its suppliers to improve their environmental and social performance.

Coca-Cola’s ESG initiatives are designed to create a more sustainable future for the company and for the communities in which it operates. The company is committed to continuously improving its ESG performance and to leading by example in the industry.

In addition to the initiatives listed above, Coca-Cola has also made a number of commitments to reduce its carbon emissions. The company has set a goal of reducing its absolute greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2030. Coca-Cola is also working to improve its energy efficiency and to invest in renewable energy sources.

Johnson and Johnson

Johnson and Johnson has taken significant steps to advance its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. The company has set ambitious goals and implemented numerous initiatives to address sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical business practices. Here’s a comprehensive overview of J&J’s ESG commitments and initiatives:

Environmental Sustainability

  • Climate Action: J&J is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The company has set a target to reduce its absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% by 2030 and has invested in renewable energy sources, energy efficiency measures, and carbon offset projects.
  • Circular Economy: J&J is transitioning towards a circular economy model, aiming to reduce waste, reuse resources, and extend the life cycle of its products. The company has developed innovative packaging solutions, implemented recycling and waste reduction programs, and explored circularity opportunities in its supply chain.
  • Sustainable Sourcing: J&J is committed to sourcing its materials and ingredients sustainably. The company has established a Sustainable Materials Sourcing Policy and is working with its suppliers to improve their environmental practices.

Social Responsibility

  • Promoting Health Equity: J&J is dedicated to advancing health equity and improving access to healthcare for underserved communities. The company partners with healthcare organizations, non-profit agencies, and governments to address disparities in healthcare access and outcomes.
  • Empowering Employees: J&J fosters a diverse and inclusive workplace culture, providing opportunities for employee development, engagement, and well-being. The company promotes diversity and inclusion initiatives, supports employee volunteerism, and offers comprehensive benefits programs.
  • Ethical Sourcing and Labor Practices: J&J upholds ethical labor practices throughout its supply chain. The company has a Supplier Code of Conduct that outlines its expectations for fair labor practices, human rights compliance, and environmental responsibility.

Corporate Governance

  • Board Diversity and Inclusion: J&J is committed to board diversity, aiming to reflect the diversity of its stakeholders. The company has increased the representation of women and minorities on its board and has established a Board Diversity Policy.
  • Executive Compensation: J&J’s executive compensation is aligned with the company’s long-term sustainability goals and financial performance. The company’s compensation plan emphasizes ESG metrics and encourages executives to make decisions that promote sustainable practices.
  • Transparency and Accountability: J&J is committed to transparency and accountability in its ESG practices. The company publishes comprehensive ESG reports, engages with stakeholders, and adheres to recognized ESG standards and frameworks.

J&J’s ESG commitments and initiatives demonstrate the company’s dedication to operating responsibly and creating positive impacts for society and the environment. The company’s efforts have been recognized by various ESG ratings and indices, and J&J continues to strive for continuous improvement in its ESG performance.